Includes the searchable text of 15,000 entries from The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Free trial for one week.
Dictionary of Biography.
More than 22,000 notable men and women who have shaped our world.
Notable Citizens of Planet Earth Biographical Dictionary
Old name and site for Dictionary of Biography. This link takes you to the new site.
Famous Birthdays
Namebase Index
Over 200,000 citations of references in books to names.
Selected Figures from Recent History
From Infoplease.
Encyclopedia Mythica
If you can have a biography of a mythical person.
Politicians and Rulers
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
includes Ambasssadors to the United States.
Biographies of Selected
World Rulers
From Infoplease.
De Imperatoribus
An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors.
First Ladies of the United
Biographies and bibliographies.
Feature articles from Grolier Online.
Presidents of the United States
A biographical directory of the 42 men that have been
president, from Washington to Bush Junior.
British Prime Ministers
A list
of all Prime Ministers since 1721
Genealogies for the members of the royal families of the
British Isles
World Rulers
Heads of state and heads of government or de facto leaders of all
currently existing countries and territories.
The Political Graveyard
Directory of over 12,000 former United States Presidents and
Congressmen, giving the location of their final resting place.
Find A Grave
Gravesites of over 2.5 million famous and non-famous people.
Roman Emperors
A simple list of Roman Emperors
Scientists, Inventors, Nobel Winners
A directory of biographies of scientists available on the Internet.
Biographical information about people from science, technology &
American Institute of Physics Center for History of Physics
Biographies of Einstein, Marie Curie, others.
Index of Women Mathematicians
The Faces of
Science: African-Americans in the Sciences
Biographies of past
African-American scientists and analysis of the current and future state of
African-Americans in the sciences.
Great Canadian Scientists
Biographies of 24 Canadian scientists, mini-bios for over 100 more. You
by name or discipline, or
through the list.
Locating Scientists on the
Collection of searchable sites with directory information about
scientists. Includes biology, chemistry, virology, and microscopy.
African-American Women Inventors
MacTutor History of
Mathematics Archive
A collection of over 1000 biographies of
mathematicians, 200 of which are quite detailed.
A Modern History of
Blacks in Mathematics
A contemporary list of prominent
African-Americans in the field of Mathematics.
Mathematicians of the 17th and 18th Centuries
The lives and works of
mathematicians of the 17th and first half of the 18th centuries.
Inventor's Gallery
Aviation pioneers from A-Z
Muslim Scientists and
Access biographies of the many Muslim scientists and
natural philosophers of the 8th through the 14th centuries.
Muslim Scientists and
Access a variety of biographies and essays about individual
Medieval Muslim scientists and scholars.
Muslim Scientists in
The Middle Ages
Contains biographies of the many Medieval Muslim
scientists, astronomers, physicians, chemists, mathematicians and
The National Inventors Hall of
Biographical sketches of great inventors of America. Included:
Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Eli Whitney.
Nobel Foundation's Web
Contains lists
of the 1996 laureates and a searchable database of past laureates.
Nobel Laureates in
Physics 1901-1997
A listing of the Nobel Prize in Pysics winners for
each year.
Nobel Peace Prize Winners
Nobel Peace Prize winners from 1901-1996 and what they won for.
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
Information about all of the past Nobel Laureates, organized by prize
and year.
Prizes in Chemistry
List of winners of the Chemistry Nobel Prize,
and what they won it for.
Notable Women of Computing and Math
Biographies of women who have
had an impact in the fields of computing and math.
Mathematicians' Biographies
Musicians and Composers
Brief biographical sketches of well-known classical
Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers
listing of famous composers of Western music, with birth and death dates and
country of origin.
composer biographies
Biographical info on several of the best-known
classical composers.
Unknown composers
info on several lesser-known (but quality) classical composers.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Biographical information on inductees to the Rock and Roll
Hall of Fame.
Jazz Artists
and Composers
Brief biographies of leading jazz musicians, along
with midi clips of their music.
100 Celebrated Chinese
100 Most Important Women of World History
4000 Years of Women in Science
The Ada Project
The Ada Project is serves as a clearinghouse for information and
resources relating to women in computing.
Archives of Women in Science and Engineering
African-American Women Inventors
Australian Women's Archives Project
Biographies of Australian Women.
British Columbia Ministry of Women's Equality
British History — The Emancipation of Women 1750-1920
Celebrating Women's Achievements: 21 Pioneers
by the National Library of Canada
A Celebration of Women Writers
Chronological Index of Women Mathematicians
Distinguished Women of Past & Present
Abzug to Zukor, provides short biographies of a page or two.
Gifts of Speech:
Women's Speeches from around the World
Encyclopedia of Women's History
Biographical entries for famous women written by K-12 students.
First Ladies of the United
Biographies and bibliographies.
Women's International Center
Living Legacy Award recipients and other exceptional humanitarians.
Maryams.Net - Muslim Women and Their
Includes biographies of famous Muslim women, a directory of
organizations, related links and a wealth of reading material about women
and Islam.
National Women's Hall of Fame
Notable Women
Allows users to search for information on about 500 famous women (mostly historical figures).
Past Notable Women of Computing and Math
Biographies of women who have had an impact in the fields of computing and math.
Women in American History
Encyclopedia Britannica article
Women in Architecture
Discusses the role of women in architecture today, specifically to "illustrate
the contributions women have made to the profession of architecture."
Women's International Center Biography Index
Women Mathematicians' Biographies
Literary Figures
Authors' Webliography
Biographies, web bibliographies, and other information on authors.
The Literary
Provides varied information on many different
authors--from popular fiction to 20th century American to 19th century British authors.
Native American Authors
Information on Native North American authors with bibliographies of
their published works, biographical information, and links to online resources.
Alpha Ralpha Boulevard
Bibliographies and biographies of science fiction and fantasy writers and artists.
Great Writers and Poets
Links to sites on individual writers.
African American
Biographical information about famous African-Americans.
Same name, different site.
The Faces of
Science: African-Americans in the Sciences
Biographies of past
African-American scientists and analysis of the current and future state of
African-Americans in the sciences.
A Modern History of Blacks in Mathematics
A contemporary list of prominent African-Americans in the field of Mathematics.
African-American Women Inventors
Burial Places and Obituaries
Find where 2.5
million famous and non-famous people are buried, alphabetically or
The Political Graveyard
Amazing directory of over 12,000 former United States Presidents and
Congressmen, giving the location of their final resting place.
Obituary Page
Notables who
have died since 1994, including days of birth & death.
Social Security Death Index
Contains information on over 50 million deceased Americans who were
receiving Social Security benefits at the time of their deaths. Includes
name, SS#, date of birth and death, and last residence.
Academy Award
Nominations and Winners
Oscar winners and nominees, for any year
since 1927. Database from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
The Film 100
The one hundred most influential people in the history of the movies.
Internet Movie Database
Search cast, directors, crew, awards, even character names.
Actors and Actresses
Yahoo's directory of sites..
Horror Movie
Biographies & filmographies of horror film actors &
Autobiography of Mother Jones
The woman who said "Pray for the dead,
and fight like hell for the living".
Socialism and the
Labour Movement
Biographies of many people involved in the British
labour movement.
Business and Economics
Forbes' 400 Richest People in America
Find out how much money the rich really have.
Search by name or net worth. Contains concise yet detailed biographical sketches.
Winners of the John Bates Clark Medal for economists.
Who's Who in Asia
Searchable guide to Asia's most eminent businessmen, including
biographical summaries.
Who's who of
Russia's rich
Russia's ten most powerful people are seven oligarchs
and three regional governors.
Billionaires Directory
Search for the world's richest by name,
country, or net worth. Each entry includes worth, source of wealth, and
short biographical sketch.
A long list from
Great Economists and Their Times
An effort by the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco.
Dead Economists Society
A list of
dead economists with links to their bios and works. Has a
conservative/libertarian bent.
Catholic Saints
FAQs about saints & sainthood, patron saints, saints' days, etc.
Complete List of
Chronological listing of the Roman Catholic Popes, with links
to biographies
Popes Through the
Ages: The Complete List of Popes
Provides a biography of all 265
Popes of the Roman Catholic Church from 32 AD to the present.
Saints' Biographies
From Fordham University.
Saints Page
Texts on the theology of sainthood, saints' biographies, etc.
History of Islamic
Richly illustrated guide to the history of Islamic science
provides biographies of the great Muslim thinkers who lived between 750 and
1100 AD.
Muslim Scientists and
Access biographies of the many Muslim scientists and
natural philosophers of the 8th through the 14th centuries.
About the Prophet
Muhammad - USC MSA Islamic Server
Muslim Students Association
presents several texts introducing the founder of Islam. Includes
biographies, sermons and scholarly discussions.
Companions of the Prophet -
Find biographies and sayings of fifty-nine companions
to Muhammad. Courtesy of the Loyola University Muslim Students Association.
Maryams.Net - Muslim Women and Their
Includes biographies of famous Muslim women, a directory of
organizations, related links and a wealth of reading material about women
and Islam.
Muslim Scientists and
Access a variety of biographies and essays about individual
Medieval Muslim scientists and scholars.
Muslim Scientists in
The Middle Ages
Contains biographies of the many Medieval Muslim
scientists, astronomers, physicians, chemists, mathematicians and