Medical and Health Search
Medical/Health Search Engine
World-Wide Medical Search
French only for now, in English soon
If you need translation, try Altavista Babel Fish.
Hint: search for an english word, and probably get results in English
Medical and Health Links
American Medical Association
Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre
From their home page: "...accurate information in areas of womens health including: infertility, polycystic ovarys, IVF, endometriosis and pelvic pain treatment options.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The US government agency for diseases.
Children's Virtual Hospital
The same as above but specifically for children's medical issues.
Children With Diabetes
A large site with massive amounts of info in the subject matter. It's well orgranized and beneficial to anyone needing info on diabetes whether for a child or not.
Query using disease terms.
Go Ask Alice
A q&a database of more than 1,400 commonly asked health and medical questions.
Health Information and Drug Search
Health World's Medline
Healthworld's link into Medline, the most comprehensive medial database in the world
JAMA Information Centers
Journal of the American Medical Association
The Kennedy-Krieger Institue
On their home page: "A comprehensive resource for children with diabetes."
Lung Cancer Online
Information and resources for patients and their families
Martindale's Health Science Guide - 2000
Many links to all areas of Health and Medicine
Mayo Health Oasis
Searches the Mayo Clinic's website's numerous centers
Physician reviewed medical information
From The American Academy of Osteopathy -- search for modern medicine and health care
Medical Breakthroughs
Interesting features, search for breakthroughs in medicine by following 13 categories or by keywords.
Medical DatabaseLarge Alpha-numeric search of medico-legal resources.
Medical World
Boasts being able to search nearly 100,000 web pages of selected medical text.
Multimedia Medical Reference Library
From their "about" page: "All links within this "virtual" medical library have been carefully selected to represent the best and most current information in their respective fields."
National Alliance for Mental Health
NAMI's efforts focus on support to persons with serious brain disorders and to their families; advocacy for nondiscriminatory and equitable federal, state, and private-sector policies; research into the causes, symptoms and treatments for brain disorders; and education to eliminate the pervasive stigma surrounding severe mental illness.
NIH Cancernet Gopher
National Institute of Health's cancer gopher search.
The University of Pennsylvania's Cancer Center.
Online Medical Dictionary
"Oses","itises","ectomies" ... here's where you look them up.
Pathology Informatics
Intended mainly for health care professionals, this site would be valuable to anyone with a little medical terminology know-how.
PharmInfo Net
Three databases in which to search about drugs.
Physican selection service by AMA
Physican selection service with info on MDs only. You must agree to their disclaimer before you can be admitted to the service.
National Library of Medicine's Medline and Pre-medline link.
RX List
Large drug search.
University of Washington Medicinal Herbs
An herbal search by either botannical or common names.
US Dept of Health & Human Services
All things medical from the US Gov't.
Virtual Hospital
For everyone from health care providers and medical professionals to the consumer. From the University of Iowa.
World Health Organization
Searches their current site, health publications and the archives.
Worldwide Medical Search
Searches for medical documents on the WWW/Net. You can narrow the search to specific countries.
Yahoo! - Health
Yahoo's listings in the field.